Since my Muse seems to be dragging her feet, and has decided that she'd rather go bowling than give me a hand here, I figure I'd put some stuff here that I have posted in the past on FB. SO, without further fanfare or delay... here's a couple from the recent past.
"The Siren's Love
Wit' a daisy on me collar
And a fair and favorin' breeze
I set out upon the ocean
I set out upon the sea
Me heart so safely packed
Me soul given away
I think about the woman
Who says goodbye to me t'day
An' I look out upon the water
An' I look back upon he dock
An' I smile a sailor's smile
An' I hear a ticking clock
The time is growin' short
The twilight is growin' long
An' the boys are doin' work
Then I hear that siren's song
That calls me to the rocks
An' promises me a smile
From the crashes of the waves
The deep fathoms and long miles
There upon the shore
A beauty beckons me
A ray of burning hope
A love of the raging sea
I saw the sun today
and the wind in my face
and a sweet caring voice
took me back to a place
where I was a child
and you were my friend
and we promised to love
till the bitter end
and my dreams were not dark
and my cares were still free
and it was just us
a you and a me
Seems my Muse has been awakened.
Good friends and kind words go farther than can be expected.
The truth and honesty give us wings.
Dreams and Hope teach us to fly.
Love takes us away. ♥
Until next time...
Did you remember today was "Talk Like a Pirate Day" when you selected number one?? ;D I agree with number three!!