Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May I?

I would like to talk about my Muse.

She is gracious and beautiful.  She is elegant and kind.
She is singularly mine.


I have come a long way in a short time.  I have been through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, emotionally.  I have been in and out of love, and I have seen the stars in the eyes of others.  Even my own eyes have held those same stars.  But here I sit, trying to coax some love from a being who reaches into my heart and my head, whispers a few loving words into my ear, and guides my hand with deliberate movements.  She shows me how to make love to the page, she traces my face with a fingertip dripping with the nectar of creativity, and she kisses my cheek when I am unable to find love within myself for the written word.  She is all the power I need to create.

And she is in me.

I have creative friends, artists if you will.  Some trained, most not, but talented all.  Musicians, painters, writers, sketch artists, and  poets.  I know actors and directors.  And I know lovers.  Yes, Lovers.  What? Love is an art?  Of course, my friends.  Love. Is. An. Art.  Without questions.

When displayed for the general public, Love might seem superficial, trivial, or shallow.  But when grouped together at a gallery, one can compare and contrast the subtle permutations that differentiate one Lover from another.  The small kindnesses that this one offers versus the grand and symphonic love of that one.   And as much as art can be summed up with the statement by Gelette Burgess " I don't know anything about art, but I know what I like", Love falls into the same category.  We might not know anything at all about what it means, but when it's right, it speaks to us so deeply that we often become changed by it forever.  Loving is an art form that can sometimes be learned by observing others, but this  makes you bland and unoriginal, a sad state to be in if you are trying to convince the person you have feelings for that you do, in fact, think the world of them.  If you look deeply into yourself, would you see a loving person there?  Would you see a person who makes your interest feel good about themselves? Would you want to be loved the way that you love others?

I  know that I would.

I have said this often enough, but it's as true a statement as I can give.  Love with all the caution of a Great White Shark.  It's not enough to love just a little bit, but rather give yourself wholly over to the waves crashing upon the shore of your heart.  See the light above, and the darkness below, and chase the scent of your beloved as though your very life depended on it.  Feel the hammering heartbeat in your chest as daylight turns to night, and taste that metallic tinge of passion as you lie down to sleep.  Feel. Experience.  Love.  Give.  Care.  Dream.  Listen. Hope. And most of all LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Kiss the sky, hold the moon, dance in the wild green places, the rocky shores, the barren wastelands that are parking lots. Just take it all in.

If I could tell you how blessed I am to be loved the way I do, I would.

Seems I just did.

Now you are going to ask yourself " What the hell does this have to do with a Muse?"
And my answer will be "Exactly."

1 comment:

  1. Oooh...with flourishes and vivid ink, no less! Brilliant and serpentine and gorgeous!! Yes, Martin, you MAY. :D

    And I love the maxim: LOVE LOVE LOVE! As Maude said (in "Harold and Maude"): "Reach out. Take a chance. Get hurt, even. But play as well as you can. Go team, go! Give me an L. Give me an I. Give me a V. Give me an E. L-I-V-E. LIVE! Otherwise, you got nothing to talk about in the locker room." One letter difference between "live" and "love".
