Did you ever look at your mother? I mean REALLY look at her? You're in there, you know. Some part of you, anyway. There are times when we all have said (yes, guys as well) that there is NO way that we are like our mothers. But you are, ... You have to be (to a point) because it is your mother teaching you how to love, how to nurture, how to care for others, and how to be the softer parts of life. I know, some of you will deny that YOUR mother is soft enough for that, or kind enough. I know there will be some who will say "I haven't seen her in ages and I don't regret it". But many will look away, smile, and nod a little.
A beautiful woman recently confessed to me that she missed her mother, the things that she was, that woman who raised her and cared for her. She missed her to tears. But with a little reflection, she realized that the woman her mother brought into this world kept those things alive. My friend remembered and did many of the things she missed about her mother, and this was cause for pause and reflection. He mother was not gone, rather she was alive and well in her daughter.
So on this Mother's Day, I offer that you take your traditions, hold them aloft in the sun, and reflect on how much they have been handed down and made your own. Somewhere in there is a piece of the woman who calls you child.
And her heart is beautiful.
Happy Mother's Day.
I am humbled to know so many amazing ones, and I am proud to call them many of them friend. Or Sister. And of course, my own Mother.
She gave you wings. What you did with them was up to you.
♥ ♥
Thanks to my Mommy!! I love the last line--fabulous and true!!