Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It's Where The Heart Is...

Fly fly fly!
Storms begone from my wings!
Fly Fly Fly!
My heart finds a voice and sings!
Dark clouds weigh my soul no more!
Let sunshine grace my door!
Fly Fly Fly!
I seek my way home to rest!
Fly fly fly!
Where my heart is always loved best. <3

Home is so many places.  Where the heart settles in close and warm to another, where the sea meets the shore, where the sky meets the earth.  The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? I am certain there are arms waiting to hold me there.  Where there is love, there will always be a place to build a home upon. 
Bricks and mortar need not apply, it is love Love LOVE that makes me fly. <3 <3 <3

1 comment:

  1. Home is so basic a desire...and so often right where we are standing, with Love softly raining down on us. Love the last line... :) <3
