Sunday, March 27, 2011

You Can Do It

While my brain festers and boils over such wonders as the Raven's Gate, some more Angus frivolity, and a sonnet or two, I figured I'd take a few minutes and spill a little positivity out onto all of you, dear readers.

As the title states, YOU CAN DO IT!

Whatever it is, you can! I remember bobbling into and out of various seminars over the years, you know those motivational ones?  Yeah... I thought they all sucked, too.  Well MOST of them, anyway.  There was exactly ONE that was tolerable, but eventually became a sales pitch for the damned organizer, so Franklin-Covey?  Yeah.  You sucked too. The problem is that they all seemed so disingenuous, like who were these people and why do they deserve to be all frikkin happy and positive..  I never found out WHY they were positive, just that they were and that was that.  Right...  Like THAT is reality. I always felt like there was something missing from the presentations - something PERSONAL.  I want to know that the guy telling me to be happy and positive had a problem this morning, spilled coffee on his new suit, had to buy a new one and a bucket of salve before showing up to present, and was in excruciating pain right now...  But that never happened.  The presenter was just a boring guy with a script to read from.  Big whoop.

These days,  I'd like to think that there are a few people feeling better about their positions in the world because they were cheered on.  And it feels pretty damned good to be that cheerleader, I think. Everyone has a bad day, many people have a LOT of them.  Sometimes it's because of nonsense, others just because...well... 'Just Because' can be a reason.  It would be nice if 'Just Because' was a reason to have a good day as well, but it usually isn't.  Easier to feel bad than good, it seems.  

So here's the story.  If you need a little cheering up, Let me know.  I have a LOT of cheer these days (or so it seems) and I'd be happy to poke at you a couple times a week and give you a Rah-Rah.  If you need a little less cheering, that's okay too... just lemme know the level of Prompting you need and we are off!  

Because you CAN.

I believe in you.

1 comment:

  1. We can do ANYTHING!! You are an awesome cheerleader, Martin, and I'm happy to hear the Rah-Rah's!! Good on ya!!!
