I hit a milestone today. Actually, it was the Ten Mile Stone. It felt good, and while I was out there roasting happily under the Mighty Sun like some wafer-thin pan filled with batter lying inside an EZ Bake Oven, my mind happily wandered through several (okay, more than several) paths. Here's a glimpse that I am more than happy to share with all of you.
I am a Runner.
I don't know how much I really qualify for that title, but I am. I feel it. No, I don't shop at the right places or wear the latest running fashions, but inside, where it counts, I have an affinity for all those who run. And it feels pretty damned good to me. Running has helped me in so many ways... I have lost weight (I have no idea how much, since I treat a scale like a television - an extraneous appendage with little use in my life these days), I have a means by which I can sort things out quietly when I need to, I can set personal goals and meet them at my own pace - thereby maintaining my self esteem, and I have yet another subject to use when conversation with others is lacking. In my heart, I am a runner. Someday, I just might look the part, but that matters little to me.
I am a Writer.
Hm. This one took some time to work through, since labels are already a touchy point for me. But I am. I write. I see the world through words, and I WANT to express the beauty I see openly and with care. It makes choosing the words so important. It also means that I pay attention to words when they are used... I like to learn new ones, and I guess at some point in my life I should actually invest some time into reading one of those "Improve your vocabulary" books that are so very prevalent in the writing section of most book stores. But back to the topic... I AM a writer. One of these days, maybe I'll get my butt published for real, if it ever gets to be that important to me. I doubt it. But you never know. Maybe after I part these waters, one of you will gather me up and place me between good leather covers to share. But that's your call. I will eventually have to decide who gets the rights to do that... hm. Funny how my brain works.
Any volunteers?
On that note... while I was out there (no giggling, yes... I am out there...) I had a little ditty pop into my head.
The City lives on without you still
Yet feels your sweet touch upon every hill
And in noisy tubes far down below
Keeps your heart beating and letting it grow
And in busy streets bustling above
The City throbs with your powerful love
From cacophonous harbors to those college halls
Your city remembers you and waits for your call
In cloudy skies above towering glass frames
A City in love whispers your name
So yeah. My mind wanders sometimes. Deal with it.
On that note (pun sort of intended) I will include that I seem to be a songwriter as well. No, I'm not kidding, although I never EVER thought I'd say that. I am also a Poet. Not the most profitable of trades, but hey... it sure is wonderful.
I am an Artist.
Holy Hell. This one was probably toughest of all to accept. I mean, Runner? sure. Writer? Well, okay... but an Artist? Yes. I am. I have produced small pieces, I have some photography out there, and I am trying (slowly and desperately) to play music. All in the name of Art. My sweet Gina is my connection to the professional art world, and I appreciate her greatly. She is such a wonder to watch as her mind wraps around things from the perspective of a trained artist... amazing. Also, my very wonderful friend Randy is my connection to the world of unexpected passions. He looks the part of a tradesman, as many of us do, but speaks of music as if it were a beautiful woman. I am SO taken when he begins to work his mind around a project, when his Muse reaches into his heart and begins to draw from him the essence of what inspiration is meant to do. It's amazing. Not to say that many of my other friends aren't artists. Rob, who taught me what it was to write... to appreciate the written word... and to make love to a page. And so many others... Even Tom who will probably never even read this. Tom taught me that you do not have to be a photographer to appreciate the world through a lens. To all of you I have slighted by not mentioning, know that your influence is here, in my heart. Always.
I Am a Friend.
This I know to be true. No matter what else I am in life, this is my greatest goal. Need something? I'm there, Baby. Need a hand to hold? An ear to listen? A shoulder to cry on or to hang furniture from? How about a babysitter, a doormat, a strongarm? Gotcha covered. Anything you need, I am here for you. All of you. Every. Single. One.
And I am glad for it.
I try so hard to be a friend. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes, not so much, but
I am here. Honestly. I am.
Thanks for letting me be.
I am ME.
Here I am. See me? This is exactly what you get. No surprises, no nonsense. I'm here. Want to know something? Ask. I'll tell you.
That's all for now. It was a long 10 miles, but well worth the investment. Maybe next time, I'll see if I can add a few more.
Time to rest.
Love to all of you.
Thank you for letting us see a glimpse of your amazing mind. You are all of these things and much, much more, and I am proud to know you and say that you are my dear, dear friend. You add so much zest and gusto to my life, through these avenues you mention and others. You, lovely, are a Spark with a capital 'S'!! Bravo for letting yourself shine so bright!! <3